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Knepper Farms
About Us


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Knepper Farms is a family-owned club lamb and farm toy operation located near Delmar, Iowa. We (Adam and Anna) both grew up as farm kids. Adam was active in showing cattle and pigs in 4-H, while Anna focused on developing her green thumb. We both ended up with corporate jobs, but always planned to make our way back to the farm someday to raise our family. After purchasing an acreage, we started in the sheep industry in 2018 after buying three ewe lambs to 'eat the pasture down'. We have been working hard to improve the quality of our club lamb program ever since, and here we are now, with over 30 ewes and 3 rams. Our flock contains genetics from multiple successful show flocks and includes registered Dorsets, speckles, and Hamp crossbred sheep. Our goal is to provide 4-H and FFA kids with affordable, quality lambs. We strive to create lambs that are correct in their lines, competitive in the show ring, and productive in the lambing barn. We look forward to working with more families in the future, as well as watching our own children in the show ring for many years to come.



Knepper Farms
adam knepper 515.823.4603
Anna knepper 563.321.1620
1719 220th Ave Delmar, IA 52037
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